Committees of the Harvard Undergraduate Council
The Committee System
The 51 Members of the Harvard Undergraduate Council are sorted amongst a number of standing committees, each with a designated area of oversight. Learn more about what these committees do and who staffs them.
The Executive Board
The Executive Board constitutes the Undergraduate Council’s core leadership structure. Its where each executive officer, committee chair, and council leader comes together to help guide the UC’s initiatives and plan its course in the Council’s dedicated pursuit of service to the Student Body.

Executive Cabinet
The Executive Cabinet is made up of students from outside the UC who come together to help build out the President and Vice President’s goals for the year.

Academic Life Committee
From grading policy to tuition costs, the academic life committee has a strong record advocating on behalf of the student body’s academic concerns.

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee (Comms) manages the Council’s communication with the student body including email communications, the UC website, and its social media platforms. Ever wonder where that email you sent to contact@harvarduc.org goes? The answer starts with the Comms Committee.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is the newest committee on the UC and spearheads initiatives to assess and further belonging and inclusion on Harvard’s campus and within the Council.

The Finance Committee
Easily the largest and most complex committee, the UC Finance Committee (FiCom) manages the Council’s club grant application process, maintains the funding policy guide, tracks club spending, and advocates for funding from Harvard administration. If it has a dollar sign, the chances are that FiCom was there from proposal to execution.

First Year Class Committee
The First Year Class Committee (FYCC) is the first home for the first-year representatives elected to the Undergraduate Council. Described as a "Dream Committee" and often the tightest knit committee on the council, FYCC has been responsible for spearheading many key projects throughout the Council's history as well as serving as an incubator for young leaders on campus.

Health, Safety, & Wellness Committee
The Health, Safety, & Wellness Committee (HSW) has a long track record of working toward the advancement of student wellbeing, including their advocacy of improved mental health resources and wider accessibility of feminine hygiene products.

Social and Residential Life Committee
From house life and advising projects to summer storage and on-campus transportation, the Social and Residential Life Committee (SRL) has you covered.

The Rules Committee
The Rules Committee serves as the Council’s center for the procedure and internal policy, reviewing and updating the Council’s essential documents: our Constitution and Bylaws. Also playing a crucial role in the club recognition process, the Rules Committee serves as another point of contact between the Council and Harvard’s extracurricular community.